
Upon customer’s request it is possible to individually change the high-gloss snow-white surface finish, which is the standard for ALFA, for any other colour of the RAL colour palette. The woofer supporting frames are margined by thin milled foreheads from a solid burnished duralumin on the front panel and also the elegant legs and terminal covers are made from the same material. The back leg is from two pieces and is height-adjustable. This competing element allows to every ALFA owner to tune off the systems radiation axis with respect to the listening place distance and high. Screw all-metal terminals are placed in the rear bottom part of the baffle. The terminals covering canopy is made from a solid burnished duralumin whereas the main contact surface is made from a galvanic gold-coated brass. The terminals provide easy and reliable connection to your audio system.

picture gallery:

basic colors:

white black RAL
